All settings for the program can be found below, you can also access this information by passing an argument of '-h' or '--help' to the program.

Compulsory Settings

Command Description
The Reading Buses API Key, you can get your own from
The bus stop naptan code which you wish to view, help on finding the naptan code is in this documentation.

Optional Settings

Command Description
Which time format the display will be in. Enter either 12 or 24. Default is 24
The new Reading Buses API does not specifically store a bus routes 'Via' message. This message can be created instead using one of the following methods.
full - the longest message contains all stops it is visiting (only recommend for very short services).
reduced - contains every C stops visited where C is the ReducedValue 'c'. For example when C is 2, you display every other stop.
fixed - (default option) show at max F, where 'F' is the FixedLocations. This will take F locations evenly between all locations.
You can also completely turn off this animation using the '--ReducedAnimations' tag. For more information and understanding view the settings generator tool with built in images.
If you are using a 'reduced' via message this value is for every n stop visited report it in the via; default is 2 ie every other stop visited report.
If you are using 'fixed' via message this value will limit the max number of via destinations. Taking F locations evenly between a route.
What speed the text will scroll at on the display (the speed of the animations). Default is 3, value must be greater than 3.
How long the display will pause before starting the next animation. Default is 30, value must be greater than 0.
How long the display will wait before attempting to get new data again after previously failing. Default is 100, value must be greater than 0 and not recommended to be low, to prevent spamming the API server.
The maximum number of cards you will see before forcing a new data retrieval, a limit is recommend to prevent cycling through data which may become out of data or going too far into scheduled buses; default is 9, must be greater than 0. It is not recommend to go below 9 or change this value unless you exceed your API rate quota, in which instances increase this value up.
Defines which way up you have the screen, the default is 0, if you mount the display upside down you can set the rotation to '2' to flip it 180.
Defines the minimum amount of time the display must wait before making a new data request. Default is 55 seconds, this value must be greater than 0, but it is not recommended to go below 55s. Increase this value if you exceed your API rate quota.
Defines the amount of time the display will wait before updating the expected arrival time (based upon it's last known predicted arrival time from the last data retrieval); default is 15(seconds), this should be lower than your 'RequestLimit'.
To save screen from burn in and prolong it's life it is recommend to have energy saving mode enabled. 'off' - is default, between the hours set the screen will turn off.
'dim' - will turn the screen brightness down, but not completely off.
'none' - will do nothing and leave the screen on; this is not recommend, you can change your active hours instead.
The period of time for which the display will go into 'Energy Saving Mode' if turned on (not set to 'none'). Default is '23:00-07:00'
The number of days for which the Pi will wait before rebooting and checking for a new update again during your energy saving period (ie if you have not enabled energy saving mode the device will never search for updates.) Default is 3 days.
List any services you do not wish to view. Make sure to capitalize correctly and simply put a single space between each. Default is nothing, ie show every service at the stop.
--ShowIndex Show the index position for each service due to arrive. For example the bus next to arrive is 1st and so on.
--ReducedAnimations If you wish to stop the Via message animation and cycle faster through all the services you can turn on this tag to turn off most animations.
--UnfixNextToArrive By default the display will keep the bus soonest to next arrive at the very top of the display until it has left. But you can enable this tag to prevent that.
--no-splashscreen Using this tag you can stop the splash screen from appearing when you first startup the program. This tag is mainly for development, the long splash screen is on by default to allow the display time to connect to the internet before hand.
--Display The display tag is used for development and testing purposes, it allows you to emulate the display without a physical display. See the help page on this for more information.
--max-frames Used with the --Display tag, when the display is set to gifanim and states how long the gif should be; more on this in the Display help page.
--no-pip-update By default, the program will update any software dependencies/ pip libraries, this is to ensure your display still works correctly and has the required security updates. However, if you wish you can use this tag to disable pip updates and downloads.

All settings for the program can be found below, you can also access this information by passing an argument of '-h' or '--help' to the program.

Compulsory Settings

Command Description
Your Transport API Key, you can get your own from
Your Transport API App ID, you can get your own from
The bus stop naptan code which you wish to view, help on finding the naptan code is in this documentation.
Do you want to use the Next Bus API to get Live Data, for any location outside of London you are limited to 100API calls per day or around 1.5Hrs of normal usage. If you are outside London it is recommended to say "no" and use timetabled data for full day usage.

Optional Settings

Command Description
Which time format the display will be in. Enter either 12 or 24. Default is 24
What speed the text will scroll at on the display (the speed of the animations). Default is 3, value must be greater than 3.
How long the display will pause before starting the next animation. Default is 30, value must be greater than 0.
How long the display will wait before attempting to get new data again after previously failing. Default is 100, value must be greater than 0 and not recommended to be low, to prevent spamming the API server.
The maximum number of cards you will see before forcing a new data retrieval, a limit is recommend to prevent cycling through data which may become out of data or going too far into scheduled buses; default is 9, must be greater than 0. It is not recommend to go below 9 or change this value unless you exceed your API rate quota, in which instances increase this value up.
Defines which way up you have the screen, the default is 0, if you mount the display upside down you can set the rotation to '2' to flip it 180.
Defines the minimum amount of time the display must wait before making a new data request. Default is 55 seconds, this value must be greater than 0, but it is not recommended to go below 55s. Increase this value if you exceed your API rate quota.
Defines the amount of time the display will wait before updating the expected arrival time (based upon it's last known predicted arrival time from the last data retrieval); default is 15(seconds), this should be lower than your 'RequestLimit'.
To save screen from burn in and prolong it's life it is recommend to have energy saving mode enabled. 'off' - is default, between the hours set the screen will turn off.
'dim' - will turn the screen brightness down, but not completely off.
'none' - will do nothing and leave the screen on; this is not recommend, you can change your active hours instead.
The period of time for which the display will go into 'Energy Saving Mode' if turned on (not set to 'none'). Default is '23:00-07:00'
The number of days for which the Pi will wait before rebooting and checking for a new update again during your energy saving period (ie if you have not enabled energy saving mode the device will never search for updates.) Default is 3 days.
List any services you do not wish to view. Make sure to capitalize correctly and simply put a single space between each. Default is nothing, ie show every service at the stop.
The Transport API does not specifically store a bus routes 'Via' message. This message can be created instead using one of the following methods.
full - the longest message contains both the county and suburb for each location.
shorten - contains only the suburb.
reduced - contains every C suburb visited where C is the ReducedValue 'c'. For example when C is 2, you display every other suburb
operator- only contains the name of the operator running the service.
fixed (default option)- show at max F, where 'F' is the FixedLocations.This will take F locations evenly between all

You can also completely turn off this animation using the '--ReducedAnimations' tag. For more information and understanding view the settings generator tool with built in images.
If you are using a 'reduced' via message this value is for every n suburbs visited report it in the via; default is 2 ie every other suburb visited report.
If you are using 'fixed' via message this value will limit the max number of via destinations. Taking F locations evenly between a route.
Depending on the region the buses destination reported maybe a generic place holder location. If this is the case you can switch to mode 2 for the last stop name.
Depending on the region the buses service number maybe different to the bus service name. If this is the case you can switch between bus service nummber or name to suit your preference.
--ExtraLargeLineName By default the service number/ name assumes it will be under 3 characters in length ie 0 - 999. Some regions may use words, such as 'Indigo' Service in Nottingham. Use this tag to expand the named region. When this is on you can not also have show index turned on.
--ShowOperator If at the start of the Via message you want to say both the operator of the service and the Via message use this to turn it on; by default it is off.
--ShowIndex Show the index position for each service due to arrive. For example the bus next to arrive is 1st and so on.
--ReducedAnimations If you wish to stop the Via message animation and cycle faster through all the services you can turn on this tag to turn off most animations.
--UnfixNextToArrive By default the display will keep the bus soonest to next arrive at the very top of the display until it has left. But you can enable this tag to prevent that.
--HideUnknownVias If the API does not report any known via route a placeholder of 'Via Central Reading' is used. If you wish to stop the animation for unknowns use this tag.
--no-splashscreen Using this tag you can stop the splash screen from appearing when you first startup the program. This tag is mainly for development, the long splash screen is on by default to allow the display time to connect to the internet before hand.
--Display The display tag is used for development and testing purposes, it allows you to emulate the display without a physical display. See the help page on this for more information.
--max-frames Used with the --Display tag, when the display is set to gifanim and states how long the gif should be; more on this in the Display help page.
--no-pip-update By default, the program will update any software dependencies/ pip libraries, this is to ensure your display still works correctly and has the required security updates. However, if you wish you can use this tag to disable pip updates and downloads.

All settings for the program can be found below, you can also access this information by passing an argument of '-h' or '--help' to the program.

Compulsory Settings

Command Description
The OpenLDBWS National Rail API Token Key, you can get your own from
The Station Code for the specific station you wish to display. View all codes here:

Optional Settings

Command Description
Which time format the display will be in. Enter either 12 or 24. Default is 24
What speed the text will scroll at on the display (the speed of the animations). Default is 3, value must be greater than 3.
How long the display will pause before starting the next animation. Default is 30, value must be greater than 0.
How long the display will wait before attempting to get new data again after previously failing. Default is 100, value must be greater than 0 and not recommended to be low, to prevent spamming the API server.
The maximum number of cards you will see before forcing a new data retrieval, a limit is recommend to prevent cycling through data which may become out of data or going too far into scheduled buses; default is 9, must be greater than 0. It is not recommend to go below 9 or change this value unless you exceed your API rate quota, in which instances increase this value up.
Defines which way up you have the screen, the default is 0, if you mount the display upside down you can set the rotation to '2' to flip it 180.
Defines the minimum amount of time the display must wait before making a new data request. Default is 55 seconds, this value must be greater than 0, but it is not recommended to go below 55s. Increase this value if you exceed your API rate quota.
Defines the amount of time the display will wait before updating the expected arrival time (based upon it's last known predicted arrival time from the last data retrieval); default is 15(seconds), this should be lower than your 'RequestLimit'.
To save screen from burn in and prolong it's life it is recommend to have energy saving mode enabled. 'off' - is default, between the hours set the screen will turn off.
'dim' - will turn the screen brightness down, but not completely off.
'none' - will do nothing and leave the screen on; this is not recommend, you can change your active hours instead.
The period of time for which the display will go into 'Energy Saving Mode' if turned on (not set to 'none'). Default is '23:00-07:00'
The number of days for which the Pi will wait before rebooting and checking for a new update again during your energy saving period (ie if you have not enabled energy saving mode the device will never search for updates.) Default is 3 days.
List any platforms you do not wish to view. Make sure to capitalise correctly and simply put a single space between each; default is nothing, ie show every platform.
Defines the design for the top row/ header of the display.
desc- List the purpose of each column.
loc- Names the location of the station above.
date- List the date at the top.
none-Keeps the header blank. default is desc.
If you use the 'loc' or 'date' header you can choose to either center or right align this text. By default it will center align. Choices=right or center.
Alters the design of the display,
full- shows both scheduled and expected arrival time.
compact- shows only the expected time (like a bus display); default is 'full'
--ShowCallingAtForDirect For trains that are a direct route, ie they will only be calling at their terminating destination by default have their calling at animation skipped. Using this tag will show the animation again.
--HidePlatform Do you wish to hide the platform number for each service due to arrive.
--ShowIndex Show the index position for each service due to arrive. For example the bus next to arrive is 1st and so on.
--ReducedAnimations If you wish to stop the Via message animation and cycle faster through all the services you can turn on this tag to turn off most animations.
--FixNextToArrive Keep the train next arrive at the very top of the display until it has left; by default false
--no-splashscreen Using this tag you can stop the splash screen from appearing when you first startup the program. This tag is mainly for development, the long splash screen is on by default to allow the display time to connect to the internet before hand.
--Display The display tag is used for development and testing purposes, it allows you to emulate the display without a physical display. See the help page on this for more information.
--max-frames Used with the --Display tag, when the display is set to gifanim and states how long the gif should be; more on this in the Display help page.
--no-pip-update By default, the program will update any software dependencies/ pip libraries, this is to ensure your display still works correctly and has the required security updates. However, if you wish you can use this tag to disable pip updates and downloads.

All settings for the program can be found below, you can also access this information by passing an argument of '-h' or '--help' to the program.

Compulsory Settings

Command Description
Your Transport for London API Key, you can get your own at:
The London Underground station code for the station you wish to display.

Optional Settings

Command Description
Which time format the display will be in. Enter either 12 or 24. Default is 24
What speed the text will scroll at on the display (the speed of the animations). Default is 3, value must be greater than 3.
How long the display will pause before starting the next animation. Default is 30, value must be greater than 0.
How long the display will wait before attempting to get new data again after previously failing. Default is 100, value must be greater than 0 and not recommended to be low, to prevent spamming the API server.
The maximum number of cards you will see before forcing a new data retrieval, a limit is recommend to prevent cycling through data which may become out of data or going too far into scheduled buses; default is 9, must be greater than 0. It is not recommend to go below 9 or change this value unless you exceed your API rate quota, in which instances increase this value up.
Defines which way up you have the screen, the default is 0, if you mount the display upside down you can set the rotation to '2' to flip it 180.
Defines the minimum amount of time the display must wait before making a new data request. Default is 55 seconds, this value must be greater than 0, but it is not recommended to go below 55s. Increase this value if you exceed your API rate quota.
Defines the amount of time the display will wait before updating the expected arrival time (based upon it's last known predicted arrival time from the last data retrieval); default is 15(seconds), this should be lower than your 'RequestLimit'.
To save screen from burn in and prolong it's life it is recommend to have energy saving mode enabled. 'off' - is default, between the hours set the screen will turn off.
'dim' - will turn the screen brightness down, but not completely off.
'none' - will do nothing and leave the screen on; this is not recommend, you can change your active hours instead.
The period of time for which the display will go into 'Energy Saving Mode' if turned on (not set to 'none'). Default is '23:00-07:00'
The number of days for which the Pi will wait before rebooting and checking for a new update again during your energy saving period (ie if you have not enabled energy saving mode the device will never search for updates.) Default is 3 days.
List any Lines you do not wish to view. Make sure to capitalise correctly and simply put a single space between each, for example 'Bakerloo Circle'; default is nothing, ie show every service.
List any Lines you do not wish to view. Make sure to capitalise correctly and simply put a single space between each, for example 'Bakerloo Circle'; default is nothing, ie show every service.
For stations which have inbound and outbound services, do you wish to view both directions or only one? Default is inbound directions
How soon before the warning message will be displayed about a trains arrival in min; 0.2 by default. i.e when the train is due to arrive in 0.2min start warning of an arriving train.
--ShowIndex Show the index position for each service due to arrive. For example the train next to arrive is 1st and so on.
--IncreasedAnimations If you wish to show an additional animation message which shows "This is a [Line Name] line train, to [destination]" turn it on with the following; by default this animation isn't shown as it will be the same for a lot of services.
--FixNextToArrive Keep the train next arrive at the very top of the display until it has left; by default false
--no-splashscreen Using this tag you can stop the splash screen from appearing when you first startup the program. This tag is mainly for development, the long splash screen is on by default to allow the display time to connect to the internet before hand.
--Display The display tag is used for development and testing purposes, it allows you to emulate the display without a physical display. See the help page on this for more information.
--max-frames Used with the --Display tag, when the display is set to gifanim and states how long the gif should be; more on this in the Display help page.
--no-pip-update By default, the program will update any software dependencies/ pip libraries, this is to ensure your display still works correctly and has the required security updates. However, if you wish you can use this tag to disable pip updates and downloads.