Reading Buses API V3.0.0
A C#, .net Standard Library for the Reading Buses Open Data API (, available to use in your C# console, WPF, UWP or Win Form Applications.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusServices.BusServiceStores information about an individual bus services. Related to the "List Of Lines" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusStops.BusStopStores information about a single bus stop. Related to the "List Of Bus Stops" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusStops.BusStopIntermediaryStores information about a single bus stop and single service. Related to the raw output of the "List Of Bus Stops" API. This API returns the same stop multiple times with each service that visites it treated as a new stop?
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.CacheWriterUsed to write a cache files to the disk.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ErrorFormatRepresents an error message object returned by all JSON feeds of the API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ErrorManagerResponsible for extracting and producing an error message from an API result. To the end user.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ReadingBusesApiExceptionStores the basic/base type of Exception which can be thrown by the API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ReadingBusesApiExceptionBadQueryAn exception type which is used when the API returns back an error message. Most likely due to an invalid request such as asking for data that does not exist.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ReadingBusesApiExceptionCriticalAn exception type which is thrown when the cause of the error is unknown.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ErrorManagement.ReadingBusesApiExceptionMalformedQueryAn exception type which is used when the user asks to make a invalid API call This is would be thrown during checks done before even directly calling upon the web API. For example if you have not filtered by at least one property when required too.
 CReadingBusesAPI.VehiclePositions.GpsControllerHelps get live and historical GPS data on vehicles by accessing the "Live Vehicle Positions" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.PointStores an X and Y Position simply.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.JourneyRepresents a journey, which is a grouping of Visit objects, or a specific service doing one single direction of the route. A timetable for a service is made up of multiple journeys.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.HistoricJourneyA historical journey, one that has happened in the past.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.DateTimeOffsetConverterConverts a datetime value between its JSON representation and the object.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.ParseBoolConverterConverts a datetime value between its JSON representation and the object.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.ParseOperatorConverterConverts a string short code for an Operator into an Operator Enum and back again for the JSON converter.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.ParseOperatorTimetableConverterConverts a string short code for an Operator into an Operator Enum and back again for the JSON converter.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.ParseServiceObjectsConverts a string short code for an Operator into an Operator Enum and back again for the JSON converter.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.ParseStringConverterConverts a string into a long and back again for the JSON converter.
 CReadingBusesAPI.JourneyDetails.LiveJourneyDetailsApiContains the logic to call upon the Live Journey Details API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.JourneyDetails.LiveRecordUsed to store information about a buses arrival at a bus stop. Mainly related to the "Stop Predictions" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusStops.LocationsThis classes simply gets all the buses stops visited by Reading Buses, by interfacing with the "List Of Bus Stops" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.ReadingBusesThis is the main class for the library, here you can initialise a singleton instance and then query and use the Reading Buses API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.ScheduledJourneysApiContains the logic to call upon the Scheduled Journeys API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusServices.ServicesThis classes simply gets all the bus services operated by Reading Buses, by interfacing with the "List Of Services" API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.BusStops.StopPatternAn intermediary class used for the "Line Pattern" API, to get the route of a service.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.TrackingHistoryApiContains the logic to call upon the Tracking History API.
 CReadingBusesAPI.Common.UrlConstructorReturns back the URL needed to make a get command to the Reading Buses Open Data API. You can use this for testing purposes to check the API is returning what you were expecting.
 CReadingBusesAPI.VehiclePositions.VehiclePositionStores information about historical GPS data on a vehicle.
 CReadingBusesAPI.VehiclePositions.LiveVehiclePositionA live GPS vehicle position record.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.VisitRepresents a single instance of a bus visiting at a specific bus stop.
 CReadingBusesAPI.TimeTable.HistoricVisitRepresents a single instance of a bus visiting at a specific bus stop in the past.